Platos Rotos 1982
1982 - 2015
Single screen video projection
Projection ratio 16:19. Duration 10'56"
Exhibition history:
2015 Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada
Lucy + Jorge Orta
The so-called ‘Tablita’, a predetermined exchange rate instated by the minister of economy Martinez de Hoz during the Argentine dictatorship, regulated the peso-dollar parity. Its subsequent abandonment, followed by the devaluation of the peso, provoked the greatest economic crisis in Argentina in 1981. As a result, the massive destruction of the industrial and production structures, led to the slow and irreversible degradation of the state education system, which had been the foundation of the economic and cultural development of Argentina.
The filmed concert for flute and smashed plates was imagined by Jorge Orta during his Rosario period (1972-1984) and realised at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in 2015.