Collective Dwelling Modules

Studio Orta - 0454
Studio Orta - 0454
Studio Orta - 0454
Studio Orta - 0454
Studio Orta - 0454

Date: 1997 - 1999
Matériaux: Diverse textiles, eyelets
Dimensions: 120 x 120cm each
Catalogued: Lucy + Jorge Pattern Book: an introduction to collaborative practices, 2009. London: Black Dog Publishing; Lucy Orta Body Architecture, 2003. Munich: Verlag Silke Schreiber;
Exhibition history: 1999, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow, Scotland; 1998 Grand Street Rink, New York, USA; Creux de l'Enfer, Thiers, France
Courtesy: Lucy + Jorge Orta

A selection of Collective Dwelling Modules co-created with community groups in the USA, France and Scotland between 1997 and 1999. Seven modules were designed by highschool students from the Lycée Sonia Delaunay in Cholet; six by teenagers at the Henry Street Settlement on the Lower East Side, New York; eight modules were designed by children from the Arc en Ciel orphange (Thiers), and eight adult residents from the Gorbals Estate (Glasgow) designed their Collective Dwelling modules. They were assembled together in itinerant installations in community centres, public spaces and contemporary art galleries in the different countries, alongside public engagement activities bringing together communities of diverse cultural backgrounds to explore body, identity and home.