Heads or Tails, Tails or Heads
02 avril 2007 - 25 avril 2007
Antarctica and Ushuaia, Fire Island, Football Match performance
The first in a series of symbolic football matches ‘Heads or Tails, Tails or Heads’, was played on the icecaps in Antarctic in Febraury 2007 as a final conclusion to the 'No Borders' expedition organised by the artists Lucy & Jorge Orta. Meteorologists, paleontologists and geologists from the Marambio Antarctic Base wore the new Antarctic football shirts, created by the artists. These shirts make it difficult to identify the adversary because the back and front are different country's colours. "The football match mirrors human behavior. Appearances are often deceiving: someone we think is a friend may actually be playing against us, while a total stranger can suprise us with an act of solidarity. It is not appearances that count, but rather decisive actions in critical moments". The second symbolic match was played on 2nd April in Ushuaia Fire Island, playing hommage to the soldiers who lost their lives in the bitter Falklands despute. This time the shirts were front half Argentine half back half English, and vice versa.