Fallujah - works in progress
24 mars 2007 - 19 mai 2007
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich, Solo Exhibition
In their latest project Fallujah, Lucy and Jorge Orta deal specifically with, the consequences caused by the American led invasion of Iraq as well as the extreme detractions in the lives of people who reside in the war afflicted country. In the year 2003, Fallujah became the epitome of human suffering and military omnipotence and powerlessness. It formed the epicentre of the violent and enduring conflicts between Iraqi resistance fighters and US soldiers. The works are a reflection on the social, political and ethnic consequences of the Iraq War and on the media censorship that distorts our vision of the conflict. The exhibition in the gallery contains a selection of objects, which can be considered outcomes of their research and questions. Not only does the collection consist of objects of real artefacts from everyday life, such as chairs and shoes, but it also includes technical devices such as microphones and cameras used during press conferences or objects from troubled areas such as stretchers, first-aid boxes or water canisters. The two artists create with the help of these works idiosyncratic, but coherent symbioses of objects with a social scope and hereby demonstrate a new symbolic language.