Life Guard, Installation Galleria Continua Les Moulins
2002 - 2007
Composition of 10 different camp beds, tarps, diverse fabrics, silkscreen print, steel
200 x 60 x 80cm each work, installation variable
pp 74-75 Lucy + Jorge Orta Antarctica, Electa ISBN 9788837060879
Exhibition history:
2007 Galleria Continua / Le Moulin
Courtesy of the Artists
Since 2002, Lucy Orta has been experimenting with Red Cross army surplus articles, stitching and incorporating bivouacs and overalls onto the linen canvases of camp-beds and first-aid stretchers. The rigid frames of the beds act as a framing device and their former function takes on a new meaning as the body is made more visible through the fabric additions. The figures seem to be supported by the frames of the beds, or supporting others – “Life Guard”, the body is also a fragile structure in need of warmth and protection.