COP21 - Antarctica in the Grand Palais | Paris
04 December 2015 - 10 December 2015
Grand Palais, Paris, France
Public Art Work
Uniting world citizens: join the Antarctica World Passport community.
Lucy + Jorge Orta are pleased to announce their participation in the COP21 UN Climate Summit, with the public work Antarctica World Passport Delivery Bureau, which will be installed inside Paris’s iconic Grand Palais, as part of the ArtCOP21 Climate Festival of the Arts.
The Antarctica World Passport project highlights the urgent need to consider the human dignity of people suffering as a consequence of climate change. Tens of thousands of citizens around the world have already pledged their support and signed up for an Antarctica World Passport. During COP21, from 4 to 10 December 2015, thousands more passports will be delivered to visitors attending the Solutions21 exhibition in Paris. Antarctica World Passports will be issued to any individual who wishes to become a member of a world community without borders in exchange for an agreement to protect the environment, respect mankind, and fight for peace.
Antarctica World Passport is part of a much larger research project by Lucy + Jorge Orta, which resulted from their expedition to Antarctica in 2007. Antarctica’s immaculate and peaceful ice landscape has become a powerful symbol of global warming. Geographic transformations and displacement of communities induced by climate change, especially along costal zones or in desert regions are redefining our local and global borders. Climate Change crosses all borders and is affecting every region of the world, without distinction. Faced with this global phenomenon our reaction can also be united without borders. Please join us at the Grand Palais, or online www.antarcticaworldpassport.com
As part of the Conference of Creative Parties, on 6 December at 5pm, ArtCOP21 and COAL invite you to join them at the Gaité lyrique in Paris, for a face-to-face with Lucy + Jorge Orta, moderated by journalist Lydia Ben Yitzhak.