Antarctic Village - 13:3
16 March 2008 - 01 June 2008
Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, Solo Exhibition
Antarctic Village – No Borders was first developed in the early 1990’s by Lucy + Jorge Orta as a Utopian endeavour through which the artists could consider the current climate of migration and the refugee status in which many people throughout the world find themselves. The Antarctic continent is a neutral territory free of conflict as decreed by the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, a place where women and men, displaced from their native homelands for economical, social or political reasons, can find peaceful refuge. Drawn upon their research, Lucy + Jorge Orta are developing a symbolic ‘Antarctic Passport’ to create a discussion platform for human rights, and for world citizens to move freely across territories and borders. The bearer of the Antarctic nationality could see their human rights recognized and respected as the passport includes a modification of Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 13:3 Every human being has the right to move freely and cross frontiers to their chosen territory. Individuals should not be deemed of an inferior status to that of capital, trade, telecommunication and pollution, all of which have no boundaries.