17 March 2009 - 17 April 2009
DSM, Solo Exhibition
The Paris-based artist couple Lucy + Jorge Orta will create a unique art project for DSM based on the DSM Triple P Report 2009, DSM’s sustainability report. The project will be ready in March 2010, and will be presented during the launch of DSM’s 2009 sustainability report. DSM announced this during the launch of Triple P Report 2008. The launch was combined with the opening of an exhibition by Lucy + Jorge Orta in DSM’s offices in Heerlen and Sittard (the Netherlands). In the head office in Heerlen the artists present their project ‘ OrtaWater’ which focuses on the worldwide shortage of water. In the Sittard office their ‘Antarctica Village – No Borders’ project is exhibited which draws attention to the current climate of migration and the refugee status in which many people throughout the world find themselves. The exhibits are open until 2 June during office hours. It is the first time that the artist couple Orta will create an art project based on the sustainability drive and achievements of a company. DSM and Lucy and Jorge Orta share the same focus on the real issues confronting our world, which involve securing sustainable energy supplies, combating climate change and providing balanced food supplies and health for the global population. The Orta’s will base their project on the four global trends upon which DSM has based its business and sustainability strategy: Climate and Energy, Health and Wellness, Functionality and Performance and Emerging Economies.