Wijheizij - Milk
10 July 2010 - 19 September 2010
Permekemuseum and Baliehof dairy farm, Solo exhibition
Jabbeke, Belgium
The project wijheizij in partnership with the Belgian NGO Vredeseilanden sets up collaborations between farmers and artists to stress the important role that change, community and culture play in society. Throughout the summer these collaborations can be seen in different venues across Flanders with artists such as Lucy + Jorge Orta, Nathalie Hunter, Johan Creten, Koen Vanmechelen and Berlinde De Bruyckere. Within this context Lucy + Jorge Orta present in their collaboration with dairy farmers Luc and Krista Callemeyn, which portray their fascination for milk containers. Over the years the artists have observed how people all over the world deal with milk as an in principal essential daily nourishment. The new art works pay tribute to a seemingly insignificant but in fact rather essential utensil. Through this the artists symbolically also express what is at stake within the project wijheizij.