Publication Publisher Title Author Date Language Type
Pot Luck: Food and Art Art Touring Circuit - Morrison-Bell, C 2009 English Exhibition catalogue
Les Echos Planète - Lucy + Jorge Orta : les artistes secouristes de la planète Moulin, Marion 2022, Oct. 3 French Web article
A Better Future by Design Design Indaba Art Fashion and Social Consciousness Naidoo, Ravi 2008 English Magazine essay
Parisart Parisart Lucy et Jorge Orta - Food/Water/Life O Sullivan, Dereen 2014, July 8 French Web article
Artaïssime #18 - Métamorphose inclusive Oggioni, David 2018, Jan.-Apr. French Online Magazine Article
Tree Hugger Discovery Company Amazonia: Celebrating Biodiversity an Explosion of Colour Oppenheim, Leonora 2010, Nov. 2 English Online journal
Transparence Editions Jean Michel Place, Paris The Hidden Face of Light Orta, Jorge 1996 English Book essay
Transparence Editions Jean Michel Place, Paris The Return of the Utopias Orta, Jorge 1996 English Book essay
Urban Climate Change at the Crossroads Columbia University, Urban Design Lab of the Earth Institute The Antarctica Project Orta, Jorge 2008 English Conference paper
Aware: Art Fashion Identity Damiani editore, Milan Questioning Identity Orta, Lucy 2010 English Book essay, editor
Perche non parli? Le discipline dell'arte contemporanea raccontate dagli autori Silvia Editrice Arte e Moda Orta, Lucy 2010 Italian Conference Paper
Canvas Guide Canvas Questioning Identity Orta, Lucy 2010, Dec 2 English Interview
Professorial Platform University of the Arts London Operational Aesthetics Orta, Lucy 2011 English Key note conference paper
Canvas Guide Canvas Aware: Art Fashion Identity Orta, Lucy 2011, Dec. 2 English Interview
The Huffington Post - Public Art: A Dual Medium to Express the Aspirations and Problems in Society Orta, Lucy 2013 Sep. 30 English Newspaper article
Huffington Post UK - We Need to Think as World Citizens for the Paris Agreeement to Succeed in Combating Climate Change Orta, Lucy 2016, Jan. 17 English Magazine article
Labverde 2018 Labverde, Brazil Immersion Program in the Amazon Orta, Lucy 2019, Feb. 9 English Catalogue
The Conversation - Arts institutions must break their petroleum dependency Orta, Lucy 2015, Feb 11 English Journal article online
Traces: Stories of Migration University of the Arts London A Passagem Orta, Lucy 2023, May English Exhibition catalogue
Lifeline University of the Arts London - Orta, Lucy 2024, June English Zine
Carbon 12: Art & Changement Climatique Somogy éditions d'art, Paris Amazonia: Lucy + Jorge Orta Orta, Lucy + Jorge 2012 English / French Interview
Terra Eco Terra Eco Artistes en Pole Position Pacual, Julie 2011, Feb. French Magazine article
Cura Moving produzioni societa ccoperativa, Rome Lucy + Jorge Orta Paissan, Constanza 2011, Spring/Summer English / Italian Journal article
Traces: Stories of Migration University of the Arts London When Traces Become Stories Palestra, Camilla 2023, May English Exhibition catalogue
The Hub LCF, University of the Arts London Wandering – EU-Roma Gypsies Palestra, Camilla; Scardi, Gabi 2010 English Research journal
Art & Australia Art & Australia 47 Lucy Orta: The artist as enabler Papastergiadis, Nikos 2009, Summer, no. 2 English Journal essay
Body Architecture Silke Schreiber Verlag, Munich L’oeuvre de Lucy Orta Patrizio, Dr Andrew 2003 English Book essay
Body Architecture Silke Schreiber Verlag, Munich Ponts et Portes - Reflexions sur le projet "Connector" de Lucy Orta Patrizio, Dr Andrew 2003 French Book essay
The New York Times - In Paris, Art confronts 2 crises Peltier, Elian 2015, Dec. 9 English Newspaper article
The Hub Research Review LCF, University of the Arts London Antarctic Village – No Borders Peña, Ann Marie 2007, Jan. English Journal essay
New York Times New York Times Newspaper Fallujah. An Assault in Iraq, a Stage Hit in London Perlez, Jane 2007 English Exhibition review
Luna - Installazioni Nomadi, Antartico alla Bicocca Perra, Daniele 2008, Apr. Italian Magazine article
Box- Progetto e Percorsi - Beyond Borders Perra, Daniele 2008, Jun. - Aug. Italian Magazine article
Artnet News - Lucy Orta Teamed Up With Prisoners to Commemorate Women’s Suffrage in the UK Pes, Javier 2018, June 5 English Online Magazine Article
Fabulae Romanae Damiani editore, Milan Fabulae Romanae Petrucci, Mario 2012 English Book essay
The Independent Magazine - Worlds Apart Phillips, Ian 2004, Apr. 3 English Article
Antarctica Mondadori Electa Antarctica Pietromarchi, Bartolomeo 2008 English Book essay
Refuge Wear Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Lucidity Piguet, Philippe 1996 English Book essay
Refuge Wear Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Éloge de la Lucidité Piguet, Philippe 1996 French Book essay
Corriere Della Sera - Che cosa stanno preparando Lucy e Jorge Orta Pini, Francesca 2014, Sep. 12 Italian Newspaper Article
Lucy Orta: Phaidon Phaidon Press, UK contemporary artist series Collective Intelligence: The Work of Lucy Orta Pinto, Roberto 2003 English Survey Essay
Casamica - Vernissage in Antartide Pirovano, Stefano 2008, Feb. Italian Magazine Article
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan The Politics of the Cloud Potié, Philippe 2012 English / French Book essay
Aesthetica - Review of Lucy + Jorge Orta at Yorkshire Sculpture Park Potts, Daniel 2013, Sep. 4 English Online magazine article
Plastik - Pôle d'attraction des humains et des plantes Pouteau, Sylvie 2017, 19 Jun. Revue #5 French Web Article
Phaidon - Great Women Artists Price, Matthew 2019, Sep. English Book
Collective Space Ixia - Article Press UK 70 x 7 The Meal Prince, Nigel 2006 English Interview
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Introduction - Context, Process, Consumption and Value Prince, Nigel 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Lucy + Jorge Orta. Light Works Black Dog Publishing Language of Light Putnam, James 2010 English Book Essay
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Excerpt from The Shape of the Clouds and the Shape of Space and Time Putnam, James 2013 English Monograph publication, essay