Publication Publisher Title Author Date Language Type
Impact Art News n°17 Art of Change 21 Conversation with the artists Lucy + Jorge Orta Audouin, Alice 2022, March English, French Online magazine
Aesthetica - Review of Lucy + Jorge Orta at Yorkshire Sculpture Park Potts, Daniel 2013, Sep. 4 English Online magazine article
Wallpaper Magazine Wallpaper Magazine Pole Position: Lucy + Jorge Orta bring Antarctica inspired work to New York Mason, Brook 2016, Jan. 22 English Online Magazine Article
Independent - Arts group Metal host modern take on pagan harvest festival Clark, Nick 2015, Sep. 20 English Online Magazine Article
Style Cho Sun - The Authentic Moves - 2015, Sep. Korean Online Magazine Article
AnOther - How to Use Art to Save the Oceans Seymour, Harry 2016, 7 Apr. English Online Magazine Article
Artaïssime #18 - Métamorphose inclusive Oggioni, David 2018, Jan.-Apr. French Online Magazine Article
Artnet News - Lucy Orta Teamed Up With Prisoners to Commemorate Women’s Suffrage in the UK Pes, Javier 2018, June 5 English Online Magazine Article
The The GoodCulture Episode 4: Lucy Orta, artiste, actrice du changement social Croisé, Nathalie 2023, Jan. 9 French Podcast
Untitled Miami 2017 Jane Lombard Gallery Lucy + Jorge Orta - 2017, Dec. 6 English Press Release
The Hub LCF, University of the Arts London If only we wanted to Carbonara, Simonetta 2009, Feb. English Research journal
The Hub LCF, University of the Arts London Wandering – EU-Roma Gypsies Palestra, Camilla; Scardi, Gabi 2010 English Research journal
The Tampa Tribune The Tampa Tribune Lucy Orta: Global Gear Milani, Joanne 2001, Nov. 25 English review
Lucy Orta: Phaidon Phaidon Press, UK contemporary artist series Collective Intelligence: The Work of Lucy Orta Pinto, Roberto 2003 English Survey Essay
Lucy Orta: Phaidon Phaidon Press, UK contemporary artist series The Human Element: 70 x 7 The Meal Damianovic, Maia 2003 English Survey Essay
Parisart Parisart Lucy et Jorge Orta - Food/Water/Life O Sullivan, Dereen 2014, July 8 French Web article
In the MuCity Les arborescences de Lucy + Jorge Orta de Crayencour, Muriel 2014, Nov. 15 French Web article
AnOther - Lucy Orta On the Politics and Power of Food as Art Seymour, Harry 2016, July 14 English Web article
Telegraph Peterborough - Food, glorious food - and art at major exhibition in Peterborough - 2016, Sep. 09 English Web article
Candid - Food for thought? Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food, at City Gallery, Peterborough Seymour, Harry 2016, Sep. 26 English Web Article
Plastik - Pôle d'attraction des humains et des plantes Pouteau, Sylvie 2017, 19 Jun. Revue #5 French Web Article
Designboom - Galleria Continua brings together JR, Ai Weiwei and more under the theme of 'power' - 2019, July English Web article
Les Echos Planète - Lucy + Jorge Orta : les artistes secouristes de la planète Moulin, Marion 2022, Oct. 3 French Web article
Fashion District - Celebrating Community at the Traces : Stories of Migration Finissage - 20/12/2022 English Web article
Fashion District - Celebrating Community at the Traces : Stories of Migration Finissage Mariesk, Chloé 2022, Dec. 22 English Web article
Yale Climate Connections - A first-hand account: Lessons learned from artists at COP26 conference Coenen-Rowe, Lewis 2022 Feb 16 English Web article
Creative Carbon Scotland - DISPLACEMENT: Uncertain Journeys Entwisle Chapuisat, Hannah 2023, Jan English Web article
Tribune de Genève - Un cirrocumulus d'activités pour la Journée internationale des nuages Berger, Katia 2024, March 26 French Web article
Lifeline University of the Arts London - Orta, Lucy 2024, June English Zin