Publication Publisher Title Author Date Language Type
Candid - Food for thought? Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food, at City Gallery, Peterborough Seymour, Harry 2016, Sep. 26 English Web Article
Telegraph Peterborough - Food, glorious food - and art at major exhibition in Peterborough - 2016, Sep. 09 English Web article
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Introduction - Context, Process, Consumption and Value Prince, Nigel 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Food: Extract of a Conversation between Hou Hanru and Lucy + Jorge Orta Hanru, Hou 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Food Service: Setting the Table with Lucy + Jorge Orta Lupton, Ellen 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Kunstforum International - Emscherkunst 2016 Seidel, Martin 2016, Sep. German Journal Article
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Harvest, 70 x 7 The Meal, Act XXXIX, Peterborough Erskine, Chris 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels Force of Nature Putnam, James 2016, May French, English Exhibition catalogue
L'Officiel Hommes Paris - L'esthétique relationnelle Massey, William; Pallard, Victoire 2016, Mar. French Magazine Article
Candid - TBA21: The Current⎯ A Monumental Shift in Contemporary Art Seymour, Harry 2016, June English Magazine Article
AnOther - Lucy Orta On the Politics and Power of Food as Art Seymour, Harry 2016, July 14 English Web article
Hyperallergic Hyperallergic Artists Issue Passports to Antarctica, the Final Borderless Frontier Meier, Allison 2016, Jan. 25 English Magazine Article
Wallpaper Magazine Wallpaper Magazine Pole Position: Lucy + Jorge Orta bring Antarctica inspired work to New York Mason, Brook 2016, Jan. 22 English Online Magazine Article
Huffington Post UK - We Need to Think as World Citizens for the Paris Agreeement to Succeed in Combating Climate Change Orta, Lucy 2016, Jan. 17 English Magazine article
The New York Times Style Magazine - An Antarctic Art Project, Complete With Fake Passports Baumgardner, Julie 2016, Jan. 14 English Newspaper article
Il Manifesto Il Manifesto Un kit per la libera sopravvivenza De Leonardis, Manuela 2016, Feb. 9 Italian Newspaper article
The Art Newspaper The Art Newspaper David Attenborough opens £1.5 m gallery for socially-engaged art McGivern, Hannah 2016, Feb. 1 English Magazine Article
AnOther - How to Use Art to Save the Oceans Seymour, Harry 2016, 7 Apr. English Online Magazine Article
Independent - Arts group Metal host modern take on pagan harvest festival Clark, Nick 2015, Sep. 20 English Online Magazine Article
Style Cho Sun - The Authentic Moves - 2015, Sep. Korean Online Magazine Article
Le Monde Le Monde Les plasticiens de l'Antarctique Bolis, Angela 2015, Nov. 27 French Newspaper article
Le Quotidien de l'art Le Quotidien de l'art COP21 L'art rejoint l'écologie Azimi, Roxana 2015, Nov. 17 French Newspaper article
Garage Garage Fabulae Naturae Izatt, Mark 2015, May 16 English Magazine article
Wallpaper Wallpaper Art Expo: Zegna's Milan HQ bursts into bloom with Lucy and Jorge Orta mural Martin, JJ 2015, May English Magazine article
The Conversation - Arts institutions must break their petroleum dependency Orta, Lucy 2015, Feb 11 English Journal article online
The New York Times - In Paris, Art confronts 2 crises Peltier, Elian 2015, Dec. 9 English Newspaper article
Ama - L'art au coeur de la transition écologique - 2015, Dec. 3 French Magazine article
Ama Ama Les couples d'artistes : quand l'art et l'amour sont intimement mêlés - 2015, Apr. 16 French Magazine article
Fashion as Social Energy Connecting Cultures Fashion as Social Energy Detheridge, Anna and Scarbi, Gabi 2015 Italian, English Exhibition Catalogue
Financial Times (unpublished) - Antarctica World Passport Bureau, COP21 Grand Palais Paris Harris, Gareth 2015 English Newspaper article
Economie Humaine HEC Economie Humaine Ardenne, Paul; Delval, Anne-Valérie 2015 French Exhibition Catalogue
Fabulae Naturae Marsilio Editore, Venice 70x7 The Meal Act XXXVII Frisa, Maria Luise 2015 English Catalogue Exhibition
Le Quotidien de l'art Le Quotidien de l'art Le Havre de paix Rioux, Christophe 2014, Sep. 26 French Journal article
Le Monde - L'art "anthropocène", pas si facile Azimi, Roxana 2014, Sep. 13 French Newspaper Article
Corriere Della Sera - Che cosa stanno preparando Lucy e Jorge Orta Pini, Francesca 2014, Sep. 12 Italian Newspaper Article
Traits urbains Traits urbains Le Havre, ville-monde Unknown 2014, Sep. French Magazine article
Arts Magazine Arts Magazine n.91 Lucy + Jorge Orta. Le Havre ville monde Unknown 2014, Oct. French Journal article
The Future of Fashion is Now Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Fashion Activism : Community and Politics - Lucy + Jorge Orta Teunissen, José 2014, Oct. English Exhibition catalogue
Galerie Valérie Bach Galerie Valérie Bach Lucy + Jorge Orta - 2014, Nov. 7 French / English / Dutch Exhibition catalogue
Arts Libre Arts Libre L'écologie par Lucy + Jorge Orta Turine, Roger Pierre 2014, Nov. 20 French Newspaper article
In the MuCity Les arborescences de Lucy + Jorge Orta de Crayencour, Muriel 2014, Nov. 15 French Web article
Arts Libre Arts Libre Interrogations en forme d'écologie artistique Lorent, Claude 2014, Nov. 14 French Journal article
AFP Fil Gen A la Villette, des artistes exposent leurs "solutions" aux crises écologiques Unknown 2014, May 22 French Newspaper article
Le Quotidien de l'Art - Un art Anthropocène Rioux, Christophe 2014, May 16 French Journal Article
Art Actuel - Lucy + Jorge Orta de Bourbon Parme, Aude 2014, May 1 French Magazine article
Connaissance des arts Connaissance des arts Lucy + Jorge Orta = art + écologie Morel, Guillaume 2014, June 6 French Magazine article
The Good Life The Good Life Art & Cuisine, quand les artistes en font tout un plat Wolinski, Natacha 2014, June 1 French Magazine article
Parisart Parisart Lucy et Jorge Orta - Food/Water/Life O Sullivan, Dereen 2014, July 8 French Web article
Télérama Sortir Lucy + Jorge Orta - Food/Water/Life Unknown 2014, July 2 French Newspaper article
Artension Artension Les Orta - jusqu'au 21 septembre Unknown 2014, July 1 French Magazine article