Publication Editeur Titre Auteur Date Langage Type
Food Water Life Princeton Architectural Press · New York Life Science: OrtaWater Ryan, Zoe 2011 English Book Essay
AnOther - How to Use Art to Save the Oceans Seymour, Harry 2016, 7 Apr. English Online Magazine Article
AW AW Lucy + Jorge Orta - Light Works - 2010, Nov English Journal review
Canvas Guide Canvas When Fashion Meets Art and Art Meets Fashion Chukri, Tala 2010, Dec 2 English Exhibition review
Lucy Orta: Phaidon Phaidon Press, London contemporary art series Lucy Orta in correspondance with Nicolas Bourriaud Bourriaud, Nicolas 2003 English Interview
Crafts Crafts Council Cut from a different cloth Love, Emma 2010 English Magazine article
Damn - Refuge - Revise - Repeat Botha, Nadine 2017, July-Aug. n°63 English Magazine Article
Lucy + Jorge Orta. Light Works Black Dog Publishing Printing with Light Salgado, Gabriela 2010 English Book Essay
FT Weekend Financial Times Red Iace, Joan of Arc - and security guards as interactive art Coles, Alex 2010, Dec. 10 English Magazine article
Metro Metro Shining a light on colourful process Dawson, Amy 2011, Jan. 12 English Journal article
Garage - Preppers Cotliar, Tati (Fashion); Kander, Nadav (Photo) 2017, Sep. Issue 13 English Magazine Article
The Third Ray The Third Ray Amazonia - Lucy + Jorge Orta at the Natural History Museum, London - 2010, Nov. 11 English Magazine article
Phaidon - Lucy Orta talks us through her 2017 Frieze Project Lucy Orta 2017, Sep. English Online Article
Untitled Miami 2017 Jane Lombard Lucy + Jorge Orta - 2017, Dec. 6 English Press release
Royal Academy Magazine Royal Academy of the Arts London Fashion Statements Luke, Ben 2010, winter English Interview
Artnet News - Lucy Orta Teamed Up With Prisoners to Commemorate Women’s Suffrage in the UK Pes, Javier 2018, June 5 English Online Magazine Article
The New Waver Autrement, Paris Appeal to humanity - June 18 2010 Changeux, Jean-Pierre 2011 English Magazine article
Art Monthly, n°417 - Follies Eggleton, Lara 2018, June English Magazine Article
Labverde 2018 Labverde, Brazil Immersion Program in the Amazon Orta, Lucy 2019, Feb. 9 English Catalogue
Living - Lucy + Jorge Orta: Wandering Scardi, Gabi 2011 English Exhibition Catalogue
Designboom - Galleria Continua brings together JR, Ai Weiwei and more under the theme of 'power' - 2019, July English Web article
The Conversation - We need to think about redefining citizenship in the Anthropocene Solnick, Sam 2017, Feb. 16 English Journal article online
Phaidon - Great Women Artists Price, Matthew 2019, Sep. English Book
AM Arts Adelaide Matters Heartfelt - 2010, Mar. English Magazne article
The Conversation - Arts institutions must break their petroleum dependency Orta, Lucy 2015, Feb 11 English Journal article online
Canvas Guide Canvas Questioning Identity Orta, Lucy 2010, Dec 2 English Interview
IW Magazine - Lucy + Jorge Orta, Antarctica at Hangar Bicocca Rowena, Liu 2008, Jul. - Aug. English / Chinese Magazine article
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan Interview with Lucy + Jorge Orta Knochel Abecassis, Valerie; Orta, Lucy Jorge 2012 English / French Interview
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan The Politics of the Cloud Potié, Philippe 2012 English / French Book essay
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan The History of the World Saved from the Waters Régis, Luc 2012 English / French Book essay
Carbon 12: Art & Changement Climatique Somogy éditions d'art, Paris Amazonia: Lucy + Jorge Orta Orta, Lucy + Jorge 2012 English / French Interview
(IN)Habitable? L’art de environnments extremes Maison European de Photographie, Festival @rt Outsiders 10 Antarctic Village Bureaud, Annick; Soret, Jean-Luc 2009 English / french Exhibition Catalogue
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan An Alternative to Catastrophe Michel, Vincent 2012 English / French Book essay
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan From Awakening to Meaning Knochel Abecassis, Valerie 2012 English / French Book essay
Azimuts 34 Revue de Design Vetements vehicules Fluck, Apolline 2010, printemps English / French Journal Article
Less, Strategie alternative dell’abitare (Alternative Living Strategies) 5 Continents Editions, Milan Urban Armour Virilio, Paul; Scardi, Gabi 2006 English / Italian Exhibition catalogue
Cura Moving produzioni societa ccoperativa, Rome Lucy + Jorge Orta Paissan, Constanza 2011, Spring/Summer English / Italian Journal article
9th Shanghai Biennale: Reactivation Davide Quadrio, Shanghai Lucy + Jorge Orta Xu, Jiang 2012 English | Chinese Exhibition catalogue
Art Press - Je hais les couples Crenn, Julie 2013, Nov. English | French Magazine article
Masking La Patinoire Galerie Valerie Bach Masking Bach, Valerie; Chariot, Constantin 2021, March English, French Exhibition catalogue
Art Paris 2021 - Art & environnement Audouin, Alice 2022, Apr. 07 - 10 English, French Exhibition catalogue
Impact Art News n°17 Art of Change 21 Conversation with the artists Lucy + Jorge Orta Audouin, Alice 2022, March English, French Online magazine
Novacène - Art & Climate Crisis Editions Lord Byron, Paris Lucy + Jorge Orta Audouin, Alice; Colard, Jean-Max 2023, Feb. English, French Exhibition catalogue
BLM 02>10 Mousse Publishing Lucy + Jorge Orta Casarin, C.; Coletto, F.; Meneghel, E.; Vettese, A. 2010 English/Italian Exhibition Catalogue
Courants Verts EDF Groupe Foundation Courants Verts. Créer pour l'environnement Ardenne, Paul 2020, Jan. French Exhibition catalogue
DrinkWater ! Gli Ori Italy Drinkwater ! : la citoyenneté de l’art Ardenne, Paul 2005 French Book essay
Lucy Orta: Phaidon Phaidon Press, London contemporary artist series Esthétique en Fonctionnement Bourriaud, Nicolas 2003 French Interview
Le Soir - La révolution silencieuse Debrocq, Aliénor 2022, Feb. 16 French Magazine article
MU in the city - Des abstractions qui n'en sont pas vraiment Martin, Elisabeth 2022, Feb. 18 French Magazine article
Terra Eco Terra Eco Artistes en Pole Position Pacual, Julie 2011, Feb. French Magazine article