Publication Editeur Titre Auteur Date Langage Type
Elle Decor Elle Decor Antarctica: Viagiio al Confini del Mondo - 2008, May Italian Magazine Plate
Gazette Drouot Drouot Holding Patrimoine: L'art au service de l'environnement Chuimer-Layen, Virginie 2013, May French Magazine plate
AM Arts Adelaide Matters Heartfelt - 2010, Mar. English Magazne article
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Introduction - Context, Process, Consumption and Value Prince, Nigel 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Harvest, 70 x 7 The Meal, Act XXXIX, Peterborough Erskine, Chris 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Food: Extract of a Conversation between Hou Hanru and Lucy + Jorge Orta Hanru, Hou 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food and the Public Sphere Black Dog Publishing Limited, London Food Service: Setting the Table with Lucy + Jorge Orta Lupton, Ellen 2016, Sep. English Monograph
Weiner Secession Austria Weiner Secession Austria Lucy Orta Hanrou, Hou 1999 German/English Monograph catalogue
Refuge Wear Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Self Help Sans, Jerôme 1995 English Monograph essay
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Totipotent Architecture – Atoll Comisso, Francesca 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Organic Architecture (2005) Jones, Denna 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Excerpt from The Shape of the Clouds and the Shape of Space and Time Putnam, James 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Architectures of Resistance and Transformation Roseneil, Sasha 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Cellular Archaeology Schofield, John 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
Food, Water, Life Actes Sud & Parc de la Villette OrtaWater : la citoyenneté de l'art (2005-2013) Ardenne, Paul 2014 French Monograph publication, essay
Food, Water, Life Actes Sud & Parc de la Villette Un art anthropocène Rioux, Christophe 2014 French Monograph publication, essay
Food, Water, Life Actes Sud & Parc de la Villette Citoyens du monde ? Habitants de la planète Larrère, Catherine 2014 French Monograph publication, essay
Food Water Life Actes Sud L'oeuvre et après Basualdo, Claude 2014 French Monograph publication, interview
La Republica - Velvet La Repubblica - Velvet, August 2007 Lucy Orta il cibo avanzato Bannet, Alma 2007 Italian Newspaper / Magazine Article
The Guardian The Guardian, 1 June Balloons in Fallujah Holmes, Jonathan 2007 English Newspaper article
CLARIN CLARIN Con artistas de mas de veinte paises, larga hoy la Bienal del Fin del Mundo Kolesnicov, patricia 2007, Mar. 30 Spanish Newspaper article
Le Briard, Coulommiers Le Briard Nouvelle vie pour le Moulin de Boissy.Monumental! Lagroue, Bruno 2007 French Newspaper article
Seine & Marne Seine & Marne, December 2007, n.20 Un Moulin qui a l'art de surprendre - 2007 French Newspaper article
La Capital La Capital Arte en el fin del Mundo Farina, Fernando 2007, May 6 Spanish Newspaper article
Il Venderedi di Republica - Dal Polo Sus la mostra glaciale che affronta temi scottanti - 2008, Mar. Italian Newspaper article
Visioni - Antartide, il continente dell’utopia no borders Di Genova, Arianna 2008, Apr. 3 - Newspaper article
Pagina La Pagina Dos vertientes de la idea del fin Tunon, Jose Luis 2007, Apr. 3 Spanish Newspaper article
Dushikuaibao - Art Zhu, Joe 2012, Sep. 27 Chinese Newspaper article
The Art Newspaper Umberto Allemandi & Co Publishing Ltd. High-wire art: contemporary commissions to replace Olympic Rings in St Pancras Ruiz, Cristina 2012, Nov. 27 English Newspaper article
La Croix - Ils sculptent pour la planète Réju, Emmanuelle 2012, Jun. 14 French Newspaper article
Tufts Daily - ‘Food-Water-Life’ defies modernist cliche Welch, Caroline 2012, Sep. 10 English Newspaper article
The Guardian Art Blog - Why St Pancras's Clouds sculptures are on the right track Jones, Jonathan 2013, Apr. 18 English Newspaper article
Huffington Post - We Don't Just Build Buildings: The Importance of Public Art in London Shaw, Nicola 2013, July 6 English Newspaper article
The National - Lucy Orta brings her message to Abu Dhabi's TEDxWWF: One Planet Living Seaman, Anna 2013, May 18 English Newspaper article
The Independent - In the studio: Lucy and Jorge Orta, sculptors Wright, Karen 2013, Apr. 9 English Newspaper article
Philadelphia Inquirer - An art show with a free meal planned for fall Salisbury, Stephen 2013, Apr. 26 English Newspaper article
Philadelphia Inquirer - Phila. meal focuses attention on threatened plant species Terruso, Julia 2013, Oct. 4 English Newspaper Article
The Huffington Post - Public Art: A Dual Medium to Express the Aspirations and Problems in Society Orta, Lucy 2013 Sep. 30 English Newspaper article
Des fouilles pour un squelette mystérieux - Nord Eclair Gobé, Manon 2012, Jul. 5 French Newspaper article
Corriere Della Sera - Che cosa stanno preparando Lucy e Jorge Orta Pini, Francesca 2014, Sep. 12 Italian Newspaper Article
Le Monde - L'art "anthropocène", pas si facile Azimi, Roxana 2014, Sep. 13 French Newspaper Article
AFP Fil Gen A la Villette, des artistes exposent leurs "solutions" aux crises écologiques Unknown 2014, May 22 French Newspaper article
Télérama Sortir Lucy + Jorge Orta - Food/Water/Life Unknown 2014, July 2 French Newspaper article
Libération - Le grand bol d'art climatique Schaub, Coralie 2014, Dec. 5 French Newspaper article
Le Quotidien de l'art Le Quotidien de l'art COP21 L'art rejoint l'écologie Azimi, Roxana 2015, Nov. 17 French Newspaper article
Le Monde Le Monde Les plasticiens de l'Antarctique Bolis, Angela 2015, Nov. 27 French Newspaper article
Arts Libre Arts Libre L'écologie par Lucy + Jorge Orta Turine, Roger Pierre 2014, Nov. 20 French Newspaper article
The New York Times - In Paris, Art confronts 2 crises Peltier, Elian 2015, Dec. 9 English Newspaper article
The New York Times Style Magazine - An Antarctic Art Project, Complete With Fake Passports Baumgardner, Julie 2016, Jan. 14 English Newspaper article
Il Manifesto Il Manifesto Un kit per la libera sopravvivenza De Leonardis, Manuela 2016, Feb. 9 Italian Newspaper article