Publication Editeur Titre Auteur Date Langage Type
Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels Galerie Valérie Bach, Brussels Force of Nature Putnam, James 2016, May French, English Exhibition catalogue
Glasstress: White Light | White Heat London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London Lucy and Jorge Orta – Perpetual Amazonia: Tree of Life Putnam, James; Berengo, Adrian 2013 English Exhibition catalogue
Body Architecture Silke Schreiber Verlag, Munich Intimate distances: Space, Society, Humanity and Hope – The Work of Lucy Orta Quinn, Bradley 2003 English Book essay
Body Architecture Silke Schreiber Verlag, Munich Distance Intimes : Espace, société, humanitaire et espoir Quinn, Bradley 2003 French Book essay
Techno Fashion Berg Publishers, Oxford Techno Fashion Quinn, Bradley 2002 English Book essay
Clouds | Nuages - Lucy + Jorge Orta Damiani editore, Milan The History of the World Saved from the Waters Régis, Luc 2012 English / French Book essay
POP Magazine - Céline | Closer Reid, Vanessa 2012, Spring English Magazine article
La Croix - Ils sculptent pour la planète Réju, Emmanuelle 2012, Jun. 14 French Newspaper article
Process of Transformation, Lucy Orta Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Social Engineering Restany, Pierre 1999 English Book essay
Refuge Wear Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Les Refuges de la Vanité Ribettes, Jean-Michel 1996 French Book essay
Le Quotidien de l'Art - Un art Anthropocène Rioux, Christophe 2014, May 16 French Journal Article
Le Quotidien de l'art Le Quotidien de l'art Le Havre de paix Rioux, Christophe 2014, Sep. 26 French Journal article
Food, Water, Life Actes Sud & Parc de la Villette Un art anthropocène Rioux, Christophe 2014 French Monograph publication, essay
Press Release Press Release Amazonia Roberts, Sam 2010, Oct. 6 English Magazine article
Orta Drawing Lab Drawing Lab Paris The Exhibition Roselle, Blandine; Lequette, Samuel 2020, Aug. French / English Exhibition catalogue
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Architectures of Resistance and Transformation Roseneil, Sasha 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
La Prealpina La Prealpina Lucy e Jorge: la fine del mondo dall'Antartide alla Bicocca Rovesti, Fabrizio 2008, Apr. 13 Italian -
IW Magazine - Lucy + Jorge Orta, Antarctica at Hangar Bicocca Rowena, Liu 2008, Jul. - Aug. English / Chinese Magazine article
The Art Newspaper Umberto Allemandi & Co Publishing Ltd. High-wire art: contemporary commissions to replace Olympic Rings in St Pancras Ruiz, Cristina 2012, Nov. 27 English Newspaper article
Food Water Life Princeton Architectural Press, New York The work of Lucy + Jorge Orta Ryan, Zoe 2011 English Book essay
Food Water Life Princeton Architectural Press · New York Life Science: OrtaWater Ryan, Zoe 2011 English Book Essay
Antarctica Mondadori Electa Antarctica Without Borders Sacca Abadi, Corinne 2008 English Book essay
Lucy + Jorge Orta. Light Works Black Dog Publishing Printing with Light Salgado, Gabriela 2010 English Book Essay
Philadelphia Inquirer - An art show with a free meal planned for fall Salisbury, Stephen 2013, Apr. 26 English Newspaper article
Process of Transformation, Lucy Orta Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Nexus Architecture Sanders, Mark 1999 English Book essay
Blueprint Blueprint No 150, London Lucy Orta Sanders, Mark 1998, May English article
Refuge Wear Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Self Help Sans, Jérôme 1996 French Book essay
Refuge Wear Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris Self Help Sans, Jerôme 1995 English Monograph essay
DrinkWater ! Gli Ori Italy Poetic strategies for living in the world Scardi, Gabi 2005 English Book essay
DrinkWater ! Gli Ori Italy Strategie poetiche per abitare il mondo Scardi, Gabi 2005 Italian Book essay
Xe Biennale de Lyon Les Presses du Reel TAMA, project Side Effects Scardi, Gabi 2009 French / english Exhibition catalogue
Living - Lucy + Jorge Orta: Wandering Scardi, Gabi 2011 English Exhibition Catalogue
Libération - Le grand bol d'art climatique Schaub, Coralie 2014, Dec. 5 French Newspaper article
Potential Architecture Damiani, Bologna Cellular Archaeology Schofield, John 2013 English Monograph publication, essay
The National - Lucy Orta brings her message to Abu Dhabi's TEDxWWF: One Planet Living Seaman, Anna 2013, May 18 English Newspaper article
Kunstforum International - Emscherkunst 2016 Seidel, Martin 2016, Sep. German Journal Article
Wallpaper* - Cloud control Serafin, Amy 2013, May English Magazine article
Candid - TBA21: The Current⎯ A Monumental Shift in Contemporary Art Seymour, Harry 2016, June English Magazine Article
AnOther - Lucy Orta On the Politics and Power of Food as Art Seymour, Harry 2016, July 14 English Web article
Candid - Food for thought? Lucy + Jorge Orta: Food, at City Gallery, Peterborough Seymour, Harry 2016, Sep. 26 English Web Article
AnOther - How to Use Art to Save the Oceans Seymour, Harry 2016, 7 Apr. English Online Magazine Article
Huffington Post - We Don't Just Build Buildings: The Importance of Public Art in London Shaw, Nicola 2013, July 6 English Newspaper article
Madame Figaro - L'art au coeur des éléments Silamo, Sabrina 2023, Oct French Magazine Article
Home Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Australia An archaeology of the social link Smith, Trevor 2000 English Exhibition catalogue essay
The Conversation - We need to think about redefining citizenship in the Anthropocene Solnick, Sam 2017, Feb. 16 English Journal article online
Traces: Stories of Migration University of the Arts London We are but Shadows: Stories of Immigration in London's East End Stevenson, Caroline 2023, May English Exhibition catalogue
SHOWstudio A discussion with artist Lucy Orta Stewart, Christabel 2004 English Interview
Wesleyan Academic Reflections Blog Wesleyan University, USA The Languages of Food Water Life Stowe, William 2013, Jan. 28 English Blog
Nature Climate Change - Exhibition: Cultural Responses to Climate Change Straughan, Elizabeth; Dixon, Deborah 2012, Jul. French Magazine article
Wallpaper* Online - ZegnArt presenta "Fabulae Romanae" by Ermenegildo Zegna Group Sweeny, Maria Rosa Rago 2012, Spring Spanish Magazine article